Two new live episodes of American Underground drop today: In Episode 7, comic Jakey Emmert takes the stage for a solid 30 minutes of comedy. Then, in Episode 8, musical guest Jonah the Destroyer and comedian Pauline G split the set, and hilarity ensues. Each episode also features a preview of our musical guest for the next live show on May 28th, Kat Fox.
American Underground is made possible with support from Clubhouse Jager and Sociable Cider Werks. These performances were recorded live at Clubhouse Jager, 923 Washington Avenue N, Minneapolis and are shared with permission.
Tuesday 10 May 2016 - 12:01 pm
Tuesday 15 December 2015 - 9:30 pm
Long-running cult hit 'A Klingon Christmas Carol' finds a new home at St. Paul's Historic Mounds Theatre.
Ethan Jensen confronts his fears along with the spirits of ancient Klingon warriors as SQuja', the Klingon Scrooge.
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